Don't be fooled. Getting a Turkmenistan visa is usually fairly straightforward! Read on for how to get the Turkmenistan Visa...
The below offers a comprehensive guide on the Turkmenistan visa. How much is the Turkmenistan visa, and how to easily get this notoriously difficult visa?
The Turkmenistan visa is a lot easier than you think.
Feel free to skip to the relevant chapter below.
About the Turkmenistan Visa
Can I Visit Turkmenistan?
Two Types of Turkmenistan Visa
Do I Need a Turkmenistan Visa?
How Much is the Turkmenistan Visa?
How to Apply for a Turkmenistan Visa?
Turkmenistan Visa Letter of Invitation (LOI)
How Do You Collect Your Turkmenistan Visa?
Turkmenistan Visa Issuance at Ashgabat Airport
Applying for the Turkmenistan Visa LOI
What is the Chance of Turkmenistan Visa Refusal?
Who Is Likely to Be Refused for a Turkmenistan Visa?
Turkmenistan Visa Restrictions
Turkmenistan Visa FAQs
Known to be the most complicated and most frequently-rejected of all the Central Asian visas, the Turkmenistan visa is usually fairly straightforward.
Getting the Turkmenistan visa is simply a matter of following procedure and letting a reputable, experienced, and reliable travel company do the work for you.
The Turkmenistan visa is easier than you would either expect or be led to believe by most of the information you can find online.
Unlike the other regions ‘stans, Turkmenistan is not a completely open country for tourists. However, movement around most cities is free for anyone.
So can you visit Turkmenistan? With the correct visa, probably yes. But it's not super simple.
There are certain rules regarding what services need to be provided to tourists by the company that invites them to the country.
Some of which are enforced, and some of which are not.
So there is basically a minimum amount of services that need to be arranged for you.
The rest of the time you can do what you want.
Well, more or less anyway..!
Turkmenistan Visa: Tourist visa
Turkmenistan Visa: Transit visa
For the tours we operate we secure tourist Turkmenistan visas for our travellers.
These can be for as long as the tour lasts and how to obtain one is listed below.
>A Turkmenistan transit visa at first seems like a good option.
After all, it means you can go completely freely in and around the country.
However, the downside is they are usually too short to do very much.
The Turkmenistan transit visa is usually up to 3 days only.
Also, many embassies simply refuse to issue them at all.
We strongly recommend going for the full Turkmenistan visa to make the most of the amazing Turkmenistan experience.
In almost all cases; yes.
Tourists from almost every country in the world need a visa to enter Turkmenistan.
The price for the Turkmenistan visa varies depending on your nationality.
The higher prices (over $100) cover Brits, and many other Western nationalities.
The prices fluctuate over time.
Usually, the cost for the Turkmenistan visa is payable only in USD cash.
We always suggest our travellers have a couple of hundred $ on them when they go to collect the visa.
Letter of Invitation (LOI)
As with a handful of other former-Soviet countries, Turkmenistan has kept the Letter of Invitation (LOI) system alive.
It is the LOI which can be difficult to get.
Once this document is secured, it acts as a guarantee of visa and the actual issuance of the visa itself is a matter of procedure.
To get the Turkmenistan LOI, a legal and official organisation must issue one for you.
They have to make an application to the relevant authority within the country. For tourists, this is the Ministry of Tourism & Foreign Ministry.
It is those organs that determine whether you can receive the Turkmenistan LOI or not. And those who can refuse your Turkmenistan visa.
Once your Turkmenistan LOI is approved, you will be emailed the document.
You can then use a printout of the LOI to do one of the following.
1. Go to any Embassy of Turkmenistan and apply in person for the Turkmenistan visa.
2. Show the LOI when boarding your flight to Turkmenistan.
This also works for crossings by land, and by sea. We have tried all variants ourselves.
Then, show it again when you arrive at the port of entry. Usually, this will be Ashgabat Airport.
Then, you pay the fee, have the visa issued on the spot, and stuck in the passport right there.
The second option is by far the most convenient and simple.
Just make sure you have some $, and a spare page in the passport, and you’re good to go!
Issuance of the visa takes a little time at Ashgabat airport.
You need to line up and hand over the LOI and passport.
Then, go to the next window and pay.
You will then go back for the visa issuance.
It can take 10-20 mins. But fear not!
Unloading of the luggage from the plane usually takes longer than this.
So you won’t be slowed down at all.
Koryo Tours will obtain the LOI for you.
We have worked with a reliable and amazing local partner since 2005. They are authorised to issue these documents.
In the past, the original document was needed.
Now a printout is sufficient for the LOI.
Top tip: Always print more than one though, just in case you mislay a copy!
All you need to do is book a tour via our website. Then, you will provide the personal information needed for the visa application.
Note: Koryo Tours will not need your actual passport at any point during the visa process.
There is always a possibility of Turkmenistan visa refusal. Nobody will guarantee that you will receive the LOI until it happens.
However, it is much rarer than the horror stories online would have you believe.
We have heard many times of LOI refusals from travellers and companies but this is not something we have ever had a huge problem with.
Usually, refusals will be because some information was given incorrectly or unclearly.
It is usually a matter of doing it correctly and on time. Then the LOI is issued.
In the recent past, (up until around 2014) it was more difficult to get LOI for people of certain nationalities. By this, we mean anywhere not part of the traditional ‘west’ or Japan.
Since then getting a Turkmenistan LOI for visitors from many more countries has become a simpler process.
Still, in any given year, we do experience on average one refusal.
Luckily, it is possible to immediately apply again. Usually, the second time around it is granted.
Unfortunately, there are still some people who will find it very hard to receive a Turkmenistan LOI.
So for anyone who fits the following characteristics, we would suggest being prepared for a heightened chance of refusal for the Turkmenistan Visa LOI.
While things are getting better with applying for a Turkmenistan visa LOI, there is still a bit of a regressive trait in some areas of authority in Turkmenistan.
Some assumptions about people from certain areas can still be expressed through delays or refusal of LOI.
Note that the above is not hard & fast rules though. Success can be had. So it is worth a try at the very least!
Turkmenistan tourist visas are supposed to be for tourists only.
Members of the media and journalists, in general, are not supposed to apply for tourist visas.
Sadly, authorised entry for journalists is exceedingly rare in Turkmenistan.
Do feel free to contact us if you have questions about this.
Visiting Turkmenistan does not cause any issues with any future visits to any other country.
Neither are there any regulations against going to Turkmenistan after visiting anywhere else.
The Turkmenistan visa is easier than you would either expect or be led to believe by most of the information you can find online.
Unlike the other regions ‘stans, Turkmenistan is not a completely open country for tourists. However, movement around most cities is free for anyone.
In almost all cases; yes.
There is both a transit and a tourist visa.
No, Koryo Tours will not need your actual passport at any point during the visa process.
Koryo Tours usually has on average one refusal per year. Luckily, it is possible to immediately apply again. Usually, the second time around it is granted.
Sadly, authorised entry for journalists is exceedingly rare in Turkmenistan.
Visiting Turkmenistan does not cause any issues with any future visits to any other country.
There are no regulations against going to Turkmenistan after visiting anywhere else. | + 86 10 6416 7544
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