What is the population of North Korea?
Population of North Korea
North Korea Population Growth Rate
North Korea Capital Population
As of Thursday, July 9th, the population of North Korea is 25,781,342.
This projection of the population of North Korea is based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data. The last census in North Korea was in 2008, conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics.
The total population of North Korea at that time was 24,052,231 inhabitants (11,721,838 male and 12,330,393 female).
The population of North Korea is equivalent to 0.33% of the total world population, and in the list of countries by population, North Korea ranks at 54.
North Korea population density is 214 per KM squared. (554 people per mile squared).
62.5% of the population is urban (making this 16,119,904 people in 2020), and the total land area of North Korea is 120,410 KM squared (46,491 miles squared).
In North Korea, the median age is 35.3 years.
The 2014 estimated life expectancy is 69.81 years.
Gender ratio in North Korea is 0.95 males to 1.00 female.
Since 2000, North Korea has a positive natural growth; the birth rate has exceeded its death rate since 2000. Now, North Korean women have on average 2 children. In the early 1980s, this was 3 children.
Married couples are encouraged by the government to have children, and are praised for raising large families.
The population of Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, is around 3 million. It is North Korea's most densely populated city. Second is Hamhung, and third is the city of Nampo.
# |
1 |
Pyongyang |
3,222,000 |
2 |
Hamhung |
559,056 |
3 |
Namp'o |
455,000 |
4 |
Sunch'on |
437,000 |
5 |
Hungnam |
346,082 |
6 |
Kaesong |
338,155 |
7 |
Wonsan |
329,207 |
8 |
Chongjin |
327,000 |
9 |
Sariwon |
310,100 |
10 |
Sinuiju |
288,112 |
11 |
Haeju |
222,396 |
12 |
Kanggye |
209,530 |
13 |
Hyesan |
192,680 |
14 |
Songnim |
152,425 |
15 |
Manp'o |
116,760 |
16 |
P'yongsong |
100,000 |
17 |
Hyesan-dong |
97,794 |
18 |
Yuktae-dong |
76,427 |
19 |
Hongwon |
70,923 |
20 |
Rajin |
66,224 |
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