What's brewing at
Taedonggang Beer
Company? No. 8 Beer!

A first visit to the Taedongang Beer Brewery production floor with Koryo Tours.

What’s brewing at Taedonggang Beer Company?

There’s a new beer in the bars of Pyongyang. For years, North Korea’s Pyongyang-based Taedonggang Brewing Company has maintained seven beers — aptly named No.1 thru No. 7 — and today there is an eighth: Taedonggang No. 8 — an eagerly expected wheat beer. Our first impression is a good once and time will tell how No. 8 holds up against its seven sisters.

Taedonggang Beer Brewery Production Floor Visit

Besides taking part in the Pyongyang Marathon this past weekend, Koryo Tours also found the time in our schedule for a visit of Taedonggang Beer Brewery on the eastern outskirts of the city.

Pyongyang's Taedonggang Beer Brewery

We’ve visited in the past to the brewery’s on-site bar and even had the chance to share industry tips with the North Korean beer industry experts, but this time we had the added treat — in addition to our new-found friend No. 8 — to tour some of the brewing facilities. While we weren’t allowed to photograph the production line directly, we did pick up this brochure that gives an overview of what its all about.

What's brewing at Taedonggang?

According to the handy brochure, Taedonggang Beer accounts for 70% of the DPRK’s beer production. The remaining 30% of the market is filled by smaller companies, such as Ponghak based in Pyongsong, and micro-breweries in hotels, restaurants, and even train stations around the country.

Interested in sampling Taedonggang Beer?

We have just the tour for you: Koryo Tours’ Brewery Industry Tour. This tour is for brewing amateurs and professionals alike, beer aficionados, and anyone looking for a unique window into North Korean society through one of its most famous and appreciated brands. North Korean beers, and especially Taedonggang Beer, rank among some of the best beers in the region and have recently made in-roads into the neighboring Chinese market.

It is also possible to try most North Korean beers on our group or custom independent tours to the DPRK.

Koryo Tours encourages all travelers, wherever you may be, to drink responsibly.

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