Hotels of the
DPRK: The Bonghwasan

A hotel for Koreans in Moranbong District

Like the Scientists' Guesthouse in East Pyongyang, our knowledge of the Bonghwasan Guesthouse is limited. This is another accommodation just for locals and off the list of 13-15 hotels in Pyongyang available for foreign visitors, depending on just who you are. It is said to have been built ahead of the 5th Congress of the Worker's Party of Korea in 1970 and has ten-floors.

Located in a residential neighborhood of Pyongyang's Moranbong District, the Bonghwasan is within walking distance of notable Pyongyang sights such as the Arch of Triumph (and 'Triumphant Return' Metro Station), Moranbong Park, and the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum. The hotel parking lot is frequented by buses and taxis, making it a convenient base of operations for exploring the capital.

Hotels of the DPRK Award: Busiest Parking Lot

The Bonghwasan's logo feature prominently on the building's facade.

Today we provide a series of drive by shots of the Bonghwasan from the tour bus so you can feel like you are there right now!


Hotels of the DPRK is a blog posting dedicated to the fascinating world of accommodations in North Korea. Check out #hotelsofnorthkorea and #hotelsofdprk on Instagram.

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