Koryo in 2016:
intro to the
year in review

It’s been somewhat of a complicated year, right? An absolute whirlwind, if you will.

What a year, eh?! Full of superstar celebrities shuffling off this mortal coil (good night, sweet Prince); incredible sporting fairytales (Leicester City! WTF? Chicago Cubs! WTAF?); and hugely unexpected political shifts that the pundits failed to predict, and the world still doesn’t quite seem to have got its head around (Brexit and Trump — we’re looking at you).

And as 2016 comes to an end, the papers and TV will be full of retrospectives of all the major news to have filled pages, airtime and pixels over the course of this crazy year. Here at Koryo Tours, however, we’ve decided to selfishly devote this week to ourselves. Each day this week we will be going over what was achieved this year, and how this affects what we’ll be offering you — our adventurous tourists — in the future.

Don’t worry — this week’s blog series isn’t going to be too self-congratulatory (we hope!). Rather, the idea is to show you, gentle reader, what we can offer in 2017 and beyond, and to bring news of that which hasn’t been offered before. So, if you’re interested in seeing what new activities and trips we have to push on you, and what changes in our niche industry have been seen and experienced over the last 12 months, then please be sure to check out our blog each day this week.

Regardless of your interest levels, we’d also like to take this opportunity to pour a cup of tea/glass of eggnog/pint of Taedonggang beer, and raise it to your health and happiness. We wish you all an exceptional Christmas and New Year, and may 2017 be your very best year yet. And, if you choose to share any part of the coming year with us by coming on tour, then even better!

Right, we’ll be back tomorrow with more. So get ready to imagine what you could do on your next trip to North Korea, or beyond, if you end up travelling with us...

From the entire team here at Koryo Tours. Sincere best regards. Big league (bigly).

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