Mongolia, Eagle
Hunters, and
New Homes

The best place to be "Trapped?"

As you may or not be aware, I am currently holed up in Mongolia, my new home. Since last February, I have been living here with my family when on my return to Beijing, the borders closed, and I remained trapped.

When I say "trapped", it's not so bad. I have been working in Mongolia for many years now and love the country also, my partner is Mongolian, so it makes the situation a little easier. I miss our home in Beijing, although if I had to choose any country in which to be trapped, Mongolia would probably be it, with Tajikistan a close second. 

We have snow-capped mountains, steppe, forests and desert. We indeed lack an ocean as a landlocked country, but there are some impressive large lakes, freshwater and saltwater, surrounded by sandy beaches.  

Its been a tough year as it has for many around our globe. I have always been a traveller and loved the fact that every year the world seems to get smaller, communications easier, and travel simpler, however for the first time in years, the world seems to have expanded.

I have found it especially tough as I have always enjoyed the fact that my job is also my passion; meeting new like-minded people and helping them enjoy travel is a highlight.  

Travel news seems to be restricted to peoples past journeys and adventures, which still makes for exciting reading; just a few days ago, I was especially pleased as an article in the New York Times caught my eye.

The article in question entitled "On Horseback Among the Eagle Hunters and Herders of the Mongolian Altai." I really enjoyed it as it follows part of our Mongolian summer tour route Beyond the Steppe. The hunters and their families interviewed; we often meet on tour and have a few years ago interviewed them ourselves on our travels.

Serik Gingsbek, the eagle hunter we know well, is a fantastic guy and has become something of a local celebratory of late.  

Please do have a read of the article here as well as having a peek at our youtube interview Koryo Tours | Meet Mongolia's Eagle Hunters - YouTube

Furthermore, should you be interested in travelling with us on the beyond the steppe tour, I would love to journey with you and show you some of the best places in Mongolia; please have a read up on this year's adventure.

Koryo Tours
Mongolia Tours


Rich Beal

Rich Beal is our International Tours Manager.

Rich is one of our most experienced tour leaders. He has led tours worldwide since 2004, specialising in Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and the surrounding area. Currently living in Mongolia, he leads multiple specialised trips annually and has over 20 years of experience running and designing tours of the region. 

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