US to introduce
tourist ban to
North Korea

Ban expected to be announced soon, effective from late August

We have been informed that the US will introduce a law banning US citizens from visiting North Korea as tourists. This ban is expected to be announced on July 27th and come into effect 30 days later. From that time onwards it will no longer be legal for anyone travelling on a US passport to visit the DPRK as a tourist.

This news has been expected but nevertheless is something of a shock, and we're sorry for anyone who had planned a trip or who had hoped to visit and who now will not be permitted to do so. If you are a US citizen and had booked a trip with us, we will get in touch with you shortly.

We will continue to take US citizens to the other remarkable destinations that we regularly visit, including Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Mongolia and Far East Russia. Not quite North Korea, but still a great travel experience.

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