FAQ // Frequently asked questions about the Pyongyang International Film Festival
Koryo Tours is the official partner of the 16th Pyongyang International Film Festival (PIFF), which will be held in Pyongyang, North Korea, from September 19 to 28 (2018).
We have been working closely with the organizers of the festival since 2002 — with a particular focus on helping them expand and improve the range of films shown (and consequently seen by large numbers of the DPRK population). We also help foreign filmmakers submit their films to the festival — more about that below!
1. I would like to attend the PIFF in 2018. Is this possible?
Yes it is! You can attend the PIFF by joining one of our two PIFF tours. On these tours, you'll attend the festival's Opening Ceremony, meet a variety of people involved in the DPRK film industry, visit locations used in shoots from a number of classic North Korean films, and learn more about the subtle — or not so subtle — message and cultural significance of the country's cinema.
Also included in both of these tours is a special screening of Comrade Kim Goes Flying (2012) in Pyongyang, and a Q&A with those involved in the film’s production and promotion.
We offer a 4-night tour, or a 7-night tour. You can sign up for these tours by following the links. The application deadline for these tours is August 30, 2018.
2. I am a filmmaker. Can I submit my application online?
We’re sorry, but the Pyongyang International Film Festival does accept online applications. Please send a copy of your film, alongside the application forms (which you can find on the PIFF website), to:
PIFF c/o Marielle de Goede, Koryo Tours Beijing
No 27 Bei San Li Tun Nan (East Courtyard), Chaoyang District,
100027, Beijing, China
Once we receive your submission, we will let you know and take it to Pyongyang for the selection committee to review. It may take some time before we hear whether your film has been selected or not.
3. What is the latest I can submit my film?
The PIFF accepts submissions until June 30, 2018. As PIFF only accepts submissions by post, please make sure you send your film to us on time.
4. How do I know if my film is eligible for submission?
The PIFF accepts feature films, documentaries, short films, and animations. You can check the criteria for eligibility and film festival regulations on the PIFF website [link: http://www.pyongyanginternationalfilmfestival.com/ ].
Please make sure your film has English subtitles.
5. What formats does PIFF accept?
The preferred format is DCP, as the PIFF will need DCP if your film is selected for screening. If possible, it's therefore best to submit your film in this format. If you cannot send us DCP at this time, other formats (DVD, Blu-Ray, a memory stick, or hard drive) will be accepted, too. If your film is selected for screening, the PIFF will need to have received your film on DCP by August 20, 2018.
6. Can I attend the PIFF if my film is selected for screening?
Yes, this is possible. Please contact us directly at [email protected] for more information.
[email protected] | + 86 10 6416 7544
WhatsApp (message only): +44 7822 014058