Korean War Memorial in
Paris: Place du Bataillon
Français de l'O.N.U. en

an intriguing war memorial on the banks of the Seine

Korean War Memorial in Paris: Place du Bataillon Français de l'O.N.U. en Coré

Paris War Memorial Korean War


















Walking just off the Seine River, I came across the following war memorial by accident. I cannot say why the space was chosen, trapped between a main road and apartments the location selected seemed inappropriate and random. A forgotten space to mark the Forgotten War.

The 2 metre high monument was inaugurated in 1984, is managed by the UN, and commemorates the French UN Battalion (BF/ONU) - an infantry battalion made up of volunteer soldiers from the French army and the French Union from all arms and reserves during the Korean War (1950 -1953).

Heavily involved in the Indochina War at the time, France could only provide a small number of combat participants. The President of the French Republic Vincent Auriol, and the President of the Council Guy Mollet, considered it necessary to help the forces of the U.N. in Korea though, so the government decided to immediately dispatch a warship taken from the Far East squadron and to form a contingent of land forces. After the initial campaign, the French Battalion was attached to the U.S. Army 2nd Infantry Division.

If you are interested in the various monuments to the Korean War from the UN perspective, then  this publication will be of interest. For the North Korean memorials there are plenty to see in Pyongyang. In China visit the ‘Memorial Hall of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea’ in Dandong.

Paris War Memorial Korean War

And of course: Edwin Starr's 'War'

War, I despise
'Cause it means destruction of innocent lives
War means tears to thousands of mother's eyes
When their sons go off to fight
And lose their lives
I said, war, huh (good God, y'all)
What is it good for?

Koryo Tours
North Korea Tours


Nicholas Bonner

Nick Bonner is the co-founder & CEO of Koryo Tours & Studio

Originally from the UK, Nick has been running tours to North Korea and other extraordinary destinations for over 30 years. Since his first trip to North Korea in 1993, he has pioneered tourism to North Korea and is a well-known face and name in international media and academic conferences. He also curates and runs unique tours to Koryo's worldwide destinations, including Uzbekistan, where he is fascinated by the Korean connection and the intriguing forbidden art gallery in the middle of the desert. 

Nick is an expert in North Korean art and runs Koryo Studio, an art gallery specialising in North Korean art and film. He has co-produced three feature-length documentaries and the first foreign-North Korean-produced feature-length film, Comrade Kim Goes Flying.

Koryo Studio Documentaries
Crossing The Line | A State of Mind | The Game of Their Lives
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