The USS Pueblo
at Wonsan
in 1995

Turn Black the Clock Thursdays // A short CNN report on the first American journalist to visit the captured ship.

See below for a short CNN clip from 1995 on the visit of the first American journalist, Mike Chinoy, to visit the USS Pueblo since its capture in January of 1968 off the coast of Wonsan. In 1995 at the time of fiming, the ship was still held at Wonsan.The Pueblo was later sailed to Pyongyang, where it was moored on the banks of the Taedong River for some years. In 2012, the Pueblo was moved to the Potong River and housed at the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum.

Over the past 23 years, the video shown to tourists has been updated on a number of occasions and the course visitors take through the trip has been reduced. Today the USS Pueblo still has a crew of from the Korean People's Navy, who maintain the ship and on-board museum.

Turn Back the Clock Thursday' brings you views from the public domain as well as 25 years of Koryo Tours' adventures to North Korea and beyond. It is possible to visit the USS Pueblo on any group tour or private tour to Pyongyang.

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