Pyongyang Marathon
Information Portal

Your portal to information on the 2019 Pyongyang Marathon

An information portal for the Pyongyang Marathon held each April in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ('DPRK' or 'North Korea'). See below for relevant information, links, and media on the Pyongyang Marathon.

Official Name: Mangyondae Prize International Marathon

Official Site:

Official Travel Partner for Amateur Runners: Beijing-based British-owned Koryo Tours


International Association of Athletics Federations - IAAF Bronze Label Road Race

Association of International Marathons and Distance Races - AIMS certified

Past Results

*Pyongyang Marathon 2018 race results

*Pyongyang Marathon 2017 race results

A Pyongyang Marathon Runner's Guide | A Guide to Sights Along the Race Route

History of the Pyongyang Marathon

Koryo Tours Blog | The 1921 Pyongyang Marathon


IAAF | Chol and Ok take honours in Pyongyang (07 April 2017)

Updated 22 October 2018

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