Facebook Live
Q&A events from
Koryo Tours

Regular events with Koryo Tours staff to answer all your questions

Koryo Tours' Facebook Live Q&A events

This week we revived our regular Facebook Live Q&A Sessions – events we host to present any news, interact with our friends and followers online, and of course to answer any questions that anyone wishes to ask us about the tours we run, the places we go, and anything else at all really!

We’ve had a wide range of hosts and locations over the past few months, from our home base of Beijing of course, to South Korea, Mongolia, Tonga, and guest hosts from the worlds are education, academia, and inspiration.

A few of the highlight sessions can be found listed here below but be sure to follow us on the Koryo Tours Facebook Page to join in with future sessions and have your own questions answered too!

First session of 2021 – hosted by Simon, live from Beijing


Greg – Live from quarantine after just arriving in Seoul


Ultra-runner Nick Butter – Guest host speaking about the Pyongyang Marathon and his own adventures


Guest Host Ronny Mintjens – his experiences teaching in North Korea


Zoe – live from the beach in Tonga, marooned during Covid!


Rich – live from the Mongolia steppe


Koryo Tours bossman Nick Bonner – live from Paris, speaking about his adventures in the art of the DPRK


Guest host Andray Abrahamian speaking about his amazing book Being in North Korea


The full list of Koryo Tours video sessions and more can be found here!

So do tune in for future events, ask your questions, join the discussion, or just lurk in the background – all are welcome and we look forward to seeing you online with us soon!

Koryo Tours
North Korea Tours

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