11 Reasons to Visit
Vanuatu, The Happiest
Country in the WORLD?

There are almost too many reasons to travel to Vanuatu...

Vanuatu is the country you need in your life you’ve probably never heard of. Stunning landscapes, beautiful untouched waters, WWII shipwrecks, rich history and culture, friendly island people, an active volcano, fresh seafood, award-winning chocolate, the world’s only underwater post office, and Kava

There are almost too many reasons to visit Vanuatu. 

And it remains largely unexplored (tick off another reason to visit, everyone wants to get off the beaten path and have a paradise to themselves!)

Oh, plus, it’s been voted one of the world’s happiest countries consecutively. 

Convinced, yet? 

Let’s take a closer look. 

vanuatu travel

11. Vanuatu Traditional Culture

Vanuatu prides itself on its deep-rooted culture and are eager to show all of those who wish to listen. You can visit several cultural villages on various islands to get an idea of what island life used to be like in Vanuatu, or also take trips to villages and tribes that still live this way on the island of Malekula. 

The ni-Vanuatu people are of Melanesian descent. They will never miss an opportunity to tell you about their history, culture, or ancestry. 

You won’t find culture like this in many of the surrounding pacific islands. 

10. Bungee Jumping in Vanuatu 

One for the adrenaline junkees, bungee jump in the very place bungee jumping originated. 

You can find out more about the traditional style of bungee jumping in Vanuatu - but taking part is not recommended. It’s bungee jumping from a bamboo platform from bamboo rope. It’s both painful and dangerous. 

A bit of adrenaline is always good, but make sure it’s safe! 

9. Vanuatu People 

The people of Vanuatu, ni-Vanuatu, can be described as typical islanders. They’re happy, friendly, chilled out, relaxed, always smiling, always ready to help… 

Driving around Port Vila your journey will probably take an extra 5 minutes because your taxi driver will have to stop several times to chat and say hi t their friend or relative. Everyone seems to have a friend or relative they see everywhere. 

Their happiness is inspirational and infectious. Leading to the next reason to visit Vanuatu… 

8. Vanuatu, the Happiest Country in the World? 

Previously name THE happiest country in the world, Vanuatu currently ranks 4th in the world on the World Happiness Index. 

And when you live in one of the most beautiful, friendliest countries in the world, it’s really not hard to see why. 

7. Off The Beaten Path 

This one again… 

Apart from the cruise ships that arrive in Vanuatu, the country remains largely undiscovered - and indeed largely unheard of. The cruise ships from Australia stay for just a couple of days, mainly only exploring the main island. 

But Vanuatu has so much to offer, and with such a large archipelago with a unique culture on each island, the only problem you’ll find is how best to spend your time. 

Head to one of the outer islands for true Vanuatu life and experience true Vanuatu with very few other tourists around - if any! 

It’s also surprisingly accessible, with flights from Australia and Fiji. Domestic travel can be expensive, but the ships and flights are generally reliable. 

6. The Sea in Vanuatu

The water encompasses so many plus points on Vanuatu… 

Whether you want to be in it, on it, or looking at it. Vanuatu’s beaches and seas have it all. 

Diving, snorkelling, surfing, sailing, kayaking… All on some of the worlds most beautiful pristine waters. Vanuatu has some of the best dive spots in the world, not least because you can scuba dive ship wrecks and old WWII spots including Million Dollar Point. You may also be lucky enough to find some old Coca Cola bottles left over from the US military, and if not, you won’t be disappointed with the coral reefs and variety of fish. 

5. Underwater Post Office

Vanuatu is the only place in the world you can send a letter underwater. 

Why would you want to, you ask? 

Well, that’s a very good question. 

But you can. So why not. 

4. Fire Dancing in Vanuatu

From water to fire, fire dancing is part of traditional island culture, and on Port Vila you can see a free display of this magical fire dancing with a modern twist - for free! 

3. Tanna Island Active Volcano 

This is the closest you can get to an active volcano, and it’s not for the faint-hearted. You really do get close to this active volcano. You feel the heat, taste the sulphur, and see the eruptions. No binoculars needed - but you will need a mask, a helmet and protective goggles. 

You can choose to visit here in the morning, afternoon, or evening. You will go in a guided group who will take you to the best viewing spot that day, depending on visibility and direction of the wind. 

Find out more about a visit to Tanna Island Volcano here.

2. Food

Vanuatu has some of the best fresh produce in the South Pacific. Aside from the large variety of seafood, there’s also great fresh fruit and veg, all cheap and available for purchase at local markets. 

Vanuatu is also home to award-winning chocolate… Vanuatu’s chocolate is produced throughout the archipelago, with each chocolate having its own distinct flavour. 

If you’ve ever been to the Pacific before, you’ll have heard of Kava. If you’ve never been to the Pacific, you’ll hear of Kava as soon as you get there. 

It’s the local drink for many pacific island countries - and Vanuatu claims to have the best and strongest. 

(Well, every pacific island country will make the same claim - but you be the judge!)

1. Romance 

All this talk of beautiful paradise beaches, white sands and great food… Why not grab your partner and head to some of the amazing resorts and hotels Vanuatu has to offer. Aside from the typical chain hotels, you’ll find some incredible real gems here that will definitely make your time with your loved one special. 

Koryo Tours
International Tours


Zoe Stephens

Zoe is the marketing manager and a tour leader at Koryo Tours.

Her love of meeting new people and exploring new cultures has led her to study several languages including German, Japanese, and Chinese. Having lived in several different countries across 4 continents, she often writes about languages and culture in her blogs and is very active on social media. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she was 'stuck' in Tonga for 1.5 years after a weekend away. Ask her for some stories! 

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