Sinuiju Outdoor Performance
| North Korea Travel

Sinuiju Outdoor Performance | North Korea Travel Guide

Sinuiju Outdoor Performance

Performing Arts in Sinuiju


Enjoy an array of musical and arts performances, both traditional and modern, while sitting outdoors along the Yalu (Amnok) River.

The performance space in the centre of Sinuiju looks out over the river to the city of Dandong, China.

Guests here will more than likely be joined by groups of Chinese tourists in the audience enjoying the easily accessible day trips across the border from Dandong.

These short trips have become increasingly popular amongst foreigners.

Sinuiju Outdoor Performance


The stage for this performance is located right alongside the Amnok (Yalu) River, providing visitors with a backdrop of the towering skyscrapers of Dandong.

Turn away from the stage to see a full view of the traffic coming and going between China and the DPRK on the Sino-Korean Friendship Bridge.

The small Amnok River Tourist Restaurant is also located within the performance area.

There is also a small shop, a walking area with small monuments depicting aspects of traditional Korea, a volleyball court and more.

Sinuiju Outdoor Performance

Performing Arts in Sinuiju

The performance features a wide range of performances by Korean girls and women. Some are based on traditional Korean song and dance, while others take a more modern approach.

Sinuiju is renowned for its ability to produce talented performers, as anyone who has visited the Ponbu Kindergarten will tell you.

The city is well-known to be a source of talent for the Mass Games held in Pyongyang.

You will have the opportunity to see an array of talent, whether that be in the form of instrumental mastery, coordinated dance, solo vocalists, etc. – there is something here for everyone!

So, sit back, relax and enjoy the show, as you’re likely to have a full itinerary planned for the rest of your time in Sinuiju and the surrounding area!

Observers can purchase flowers to present to their favourite performers and afterwards have a group picture taken with all the performers. 

The group photos can be purchased onsite.

Sinuiju Outdoor Performance

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