Tizita by
Hailu Mergia

Yanggak Island Discs // A beautiful song from the new album by Hailu Mergia.

Although this has nothing to do with North Korea, we thought we'd bring something wonderful to your attention at the start of the week. Ethiopian keyboardist Hailu Mergia is out with a new album, Lala Belu, which is a cause enough for celebration and a taking a positive outlook on the week ahead. Read this review by Jazz Monroe at Pitchfork and listen to the beautiful song 'Tizita' below.

North Korea maintained a sizable diplomatic, commercial, technical, and military presence in Ethiopia during the Mengistu era (1977-1991). Previously the Ethiopian Empire under Haile Selassie I had supported South Korea and sent units to fight in the Korean War.

Yanggak Island Discs is a regular posting on songs from old North Korean vinyls and Korean music in general. Follow the Yanggak Island Discs Sound Cloud!

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