Tsagaan Suvarga National
Park (White Stupa) |
Mongolia Travel Guide

Tsagaan Suvarga National Park (White Stupa)

Tsagaan Suvarga is found within Ulziit Soum, Dundgobi Aimag in the far south of the Mongolian desert region.

This white limestone rock formation stands at around thirty metres in height and has been shaped strangely as a result of thousands of years of wind and water erosion.

tsagaan suvarga

Formation of the Tsagaan Suvarga

It has been said that from afar when approaching the White Stupa cliffs they take on the appearance of an ancient city.  The Locals have long respected and feared this area in equal measure even to the point of never referring to it by its original name. For many its simply known as  'Tsagaan Khairkhan', the 'White Darling.

One of the origins of this fear is that many years ago an earthquake shook the region, in turn, causing the eastern part of the White Stupa to collapse.

It is said that the collapse was so immense that it created a cloud of white dust which blocked the horizon for days.

Far from being a deserted city, the creation of the cliffs began some millions of years ago, Dundgovi Province was the bottom of an ancient sea. Perfect evidence for this lies with a closer inspection of the cliffs.  Tsagaan Suvarga contains many sedimentary limestone layers and is rich in marine fossils.

Getting to Tsagaan Suvarga

Tsagaan Suvarga located 426 km South from Ulaanbaatar, 70 km away from Ulziit Soum and 156 km away from Mandalgobi city there are various options one can use when heading to the White Stupa cliffs.


Fly Ulaanbaatar to Dalanzadgad (around 2 hours), then rent a car with driver to reach Tsagaan Suvarga (2-3 hours).


The ride is impressive from Ulaanbaatar to the south most of this journey is actually on a Tarmac road until the final leg. Eventually, when turning off of the highway, the dessert looks as though it runs forever,  after around 30 – 40 minutes, one will suddenly arrive atop these most amazing cliffs rising from the desert floor. 

Ulaanbaatar – Tsagaan Suvarga (drive to Tsagaan Suvarga), an exciting journey this will take around 7 – 8 hours with a few stops on the way. 

Self-drive is possible, although the final leg of the journey is off-road, bumpy and even with GPS can be quite confusing. 

Where to stay in Tsagaan Suvarga

Dotted around the dessert are many Ger camps offering many different qualities of accommodation.

It will be best to research and book in advance as the shelter can get busy, especially during the summer months. 

Nearer to the main road there are some more fancy brick-built options offering excellent dining and desert views to boot. The authors' choice will always be the more traditional Mongolian Ger. The Ger camps are found closer to the park and give a more everyday experience. 

Nearby Tsagaan Suvarga

Ulaan Suvrag (Red Stupa)

Found around 20 kilometres west of the White at stupa is an unusual blood-coloured ridge.

The area of this spectacle is called Sair Us if you have made it here you have just crossed into Omnogov Aimag. 

During turbulent spring storms, fierce winds whip up the thick brown dust found in this area these are called the sand winds of Hormusta Tengri (Tengri is one of the most powerful of the ancient Mongol deities). Legend has it that way back in history the area was home to two dragons one white and one red when they eventually arose to fly from the site their long tails remained forming the now white and red cliffs. 

Koryo Tours
Mongolia Tours


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