35 Mongolia Facts You
Probably Didn't Know (2020)
| Mongolia Travel Guide

Mongolia facts you may already know and Mongolia facts you may not yet know from the Mongolia travel experts

35 Mongolia Facts You Probably Didn't Know 


Mongolia is a vast landscape waiting to be explored. Steeped in history and culture, and home to a population of approx. 3 million, at least 25% of whom are still living a nomadic lifestyle, Mongolia is like no other country. If you haven't yet travelled to Mongolia, you should definitely move it to the top of your bucket list whilst it still remains as unique and untouched as now. There are countless reasons why you should visit Mongolia! 

If you're looking to visit Mongolia or want to find out more about this underrated country, look no further! 

35 Mongolia Facts:

  1. The first hotel in Mongolia was the Ulaanbaatar Hotel. This opened in 1961. It was also the first public building to have hot and cold running water.
  2. Mongolia is the world’s least populated country.
  3. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital city, is officially the world’s coldest capital.
  4. The capital Ulaanbaatar means ‘red hero’.
  5. Mongolia is the 18th largest country in the world.
  6. The word ‘Mongol’ means brave.
  7. Most Mongolians traditionally live in a Ger  (meaning home). Many Mongolians who live in the cities still own or have access to a ger using them as summer homes, in June, July and August.
  8. One of the biggest holidays of the year is Naadam Festival. This is also the biggest sports event.
  9. The second-largest holiday in Mongolia is New Year.
  10. Mongolia is home to the world’s oldest national park.

    Mongolian Ger in winter. 

  11. The Gobi desert is Asia’s biggest desert. It is like no other in the world.
  12. The Gobi Desert is also regarded as the world’s biggest dinosaur fossil reserve.
  13. Mongolia is often referred to as “the land of the blue sky”, as it has over 260 days of clear, blue sky.
  14. The endangered 2-hump camel, the Bactrian camel, is native to Mongolia.
  15. There is a camel festival to celebrate these famous camels and protect the species. This camel festival first began in 1997. 
  16. Native to Mongolia is also the snow-leopard.
  17.  One-third of the world’s snow leopard population lives in Mongolia.
  18. Mongolian people’s guest culture is very strong. They will often greet their guests with a bowl of ‘airag’. This is fermented horse milk. It is considered disrespectful to refuse a cup of this.
  19. Almost half of Mongolia’s entire population lives in the capital city, Ulaanbaatar.
  20. Even in winter, Mongolians like to eat ice-cream. This is sold in paper boxes in the winter. No need for a fridge in such cold temperatures..!

    mongolia travel
    Mongolian 2-hump camels

  21. There is a theory that Mongolian horsemen first invented the ice cream. They would take animal intestines on long journeys. The combination of freezing and being jolted around on the horse produced an ice-cream like substance. This then made its way to China, Marco Polo, then Italy!
  22. Approximately 25-40% of Mongolians still live nomadic lifestyles.
  23. Mongolia as a country is “outer Mongolia”. Inner Mongolia is still part of China as an autonomous region.
  24. Mongolia is the second-largest landlocked country in the world.
  25. Mongolia holds the Guinness World Record for the largest wrestling competition in the world. This was for the Mongolian National Wrestling Match in 2011.
  26. There are 13 times more horses in Mongolia than humans.
  27. In Mongolia, sheep outnumber humans 35 to 1.
  28. Mongolia became a part of the UN in 1961. 
  29. Mongolia was not recognized as a country by many countries (including the US) until 1987. 
  30. Genghis Khan himself was illiterate, however, he introduced the first writing system to Mongolia in the early 13th century. He borrowed this script from the script of the Uyghurs. This script is written vertically from left to right. 
  31. Mongolia adopted the Latin alphabet in the 1930s. It was then replaced with the Cyrillic alphabet in 1941, with two additional letters (ö and ü sounds) otherwise not found in Russian. 
  32. Mongolian native horses are the last truly wild horses left on the planet. They have 66 chromosomes, one or two more than the average horse. 
  33. A mother with five or more children is celebrated as an "Honoured Mother". 
  34. Throat singers in Mongolia use the technique to sing through their throat and nose at the same time, producing two different sounds simultaneously. This is popular whilst riding a horse. 
  35. Music is an important aspect of Mongolian culture and is used to express emotions for nature, the land, the horses, and for loved ones. 




Zoe Stephens

Zoe is the marketing manager and a tour leader at Koryo Tours.

Her love of meeting new people and exploring new cultures has led her to study several languages including German, Japanese, and Chinese. Having lived in several different countries across 4 continents, she often writes about languages and culture in her blogs and is very active on social media. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she was 'stuck' in Tonga for 1.5 years after a weekend away. Ask her for some stories! 

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