Best Time to Visit Bhutan?
Bhutan Festivals List &
Dates | Bhutan Travel Guide

Best Time to Visit Bhutan

Bhutan Festivals


Bhutan Festivals: Spring
Bhutan Festivals: Summer 
Bhutan Festivals: Autumn 
Bhutan Festivals: Winter

When it comes to thinking about the best time to visit Bhutan, you've got a few factors to think about. 

1. When is the most convenient for you if you aren't that flexible.

2. Budget (the off-peak season is cheaper)

3. Weather in Bhutan (this can vary greatly - read more)

4. Bhutan Festivals, and if you want to catch one. 

Tschechu festivals are festivals in Bhutan held in temples, monasteries, and fortresses - otherwise known as ‘dzongs’.

People come from all over to enjoy mask dances, socialise, and receive blessings. 

According to beliefs, it is said that everyone must witness and take part in a mask dance at least once in their life to rid themselves of sins. 

If seeing festivals in Bhutan is the most important for you, then read on and discover all of the Bhutan festivals throughout the year.

There's quite a lot of them! 

Bhutan Festivals: Spring

Punakha Drubehen and Tshechu: February/March

This Bhutan festival takes place at the beautiful Punakha Dzong.

Here, the scenes from Bhutan's 17th century battle with the Tibetan army are recreated.

It's one of the country's most popular temple festivals. 

Paro Tshechu: April

Paro Tsechu is the most popular religious dance festival in Bhutan. This is held every April in Rinpung Dzong. 

On the last day of the celebration, monks display a huge painting inside the fortress. 

Gomphu Kora: April

During this Bhutan festival, pilgrims gather at this scenic temple’s meditation cave. 

Ura Yakchoe April or May:

In Bumthang, Bhutan, the Url Valley is famous for the Url Yakchoe dance. This dance is performed at this festival. 

An important relic passed on throughout generations is put on display for the people to receive a blessing.

Bhutan Festivals: Summer 

Kurjey Tshechu: July

Another festival that takes place in Bumthang, Kurjey Tschechu takes place in Chokhor Valley in Bumthang. 

It is said that the Guru who first introduced Buddhism to Bhutan, Guru Rimpoche, meditated there and left an imprint of his body inside the temple on a rock. 

Haa Summer Festival:

This festival is a perfect way to experience the lives of the nomadic herders of Bhutan of the Haa Valley. Immerse yourself in their lifestyle, food, traditional sports, and more.

This festival showcases traditional nomadic life.

Bhutan Festivals: Autumn 

Thimphu Tshechu: September/October

One of the biggest and well-known Bhutan festivals, Bhutanese travel from all over Bhutan in order to see it. 

The Thimphu Tschechu takes place in Tashichho Dzong in Thimphu. 

During this festival, days and nights of prayer and rituals are undertaken before the festival to invoke the Gods. 

Wangdue Tshechu: September/October

This Bhutan festival is well known for the Dance of the Ox; ‘Rkasha Mangcham’. 

Tamshing Phala Choetpa: September

Celebrated at Tamzhing Lhakhang in Bumthang, this festival has some rare mask dances unique to the monastery.

Jambay Lhakhang Tshechu: October/November 

One of the oldest Bhutan festivals, Jambay Lhakhang takes place in Bumthang. 

The most notable features of this festival include unique fire rituals and a naked dance at midnight.

Bhutan Festivals: Winter

Druk Wangyel Tshechu: December

This Bhutan festival is unique in that it is not performed by Buddhist monks, but rather by the Royal Bhutan Army. 

It pays tribute to the leadership of the fourth King of Bhutan, as well as a celebration of the army and its protection of the country. 

Trongsa Tshechu: January

This could be one of the oldest of the Bhutan festivals, and some believe Bhutan’s festivals originated here. 

It is half at the 17th century Trongsa Fortress.

Nomad Festival in Bumthang: February

This Bhutan festival takes place in February and brings together nomadic herders of both the northeast and north-west Himalayan frontiers. 

This is a big celebration of culture and tradition as the two groups of herders come together. 

Combine all 4 factors together of weather in Bhutan, festivals, budget, and your own convenience... and you have the perfect recipe for helping you to decide when is the best time to visit Bhutan! 

Bhutan Travel Guide

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