Navruz Palace
| Tajikistan
Travel Guide

Navruz Palace

We have very few words to describe the Navruz Palace initially! It would be best if you visited Tajikistan to see this fantastic place for yourself.

Once called the biggest tea house in the world, Navruz Palace is undoubtedly big but not a tea house. It has a giant man-made lake, bowling alley, pool hall, cinema, restaurant and we haven't even mentioned the main rooms yet!

History and Origins

Tea houses have always been important throughout central Asia, not just to get a cup of tea but as a place to meet, talk, chat, and maybe make the odd business deal.  It used to be that cities would have their large central tea house establishments and smaller, more local affairs.

With the advent of television, radio, and the internet, the popularity of these places has declined.  Due to the declining demand for tea houses, the smaller business has close while the larger joints had to diversify and becoming restaurants. 

In Dushanbe, the most well know Tea house is called Rohat this ageing affair is a beautifully decorated open-fronted building perfect for enjoying the fresh spring evenings. Now, however, it has changed its usage and survives as a restaurant. 

In 2002 it was suggested by President Emomali Rahmon that the city of Dushanbe construct a new tea house somewhere that people can be proud of; Work was begun with funding from Orien state bank. Throughout its construction, the finest craftsmen were employed utilising the finest materials. In 2015 the 4,000 workers finished a complex that covers 40,000 sq metres. Now completed its clear that Kokhi Navruz palace is a lot more than a tea house. 

If it's not a tea house, then what is it?

The most straightforward answer to this question would be a pleasure palace! Kokhi Navruz incorporates following features; A giant man-made lake, billiards hall, cinema, Karting area, several restaurants, bowling alley, ornate gardens and four rooms designated as a dining and conference centre. 

On arrival, you will notice the giant cavernous entrance part castle, part palace and with the plaster, waterfall part Disney!

That's not all though as the rooms used for the conference and dining areas are unbelievably exquisite. The rooms have certain features attributed to each:

  1. Zarandud Hall: This opulent hall often called the golden hall as it has an endless amount of 24-carat gold leaf. Fabulous pure white gypsum flutes run to a massive dome that wouldn't be out of place in a grand mosque. Even more eye-catching is the vast chandelier that hangs at the heart of the room.
  2. Didor hall: This hall is a more colourful vibrant affair, constructed in a true central Asian style the room exudes regional character and charm laid on thick! This colourful gypsum, crystalline masterpiece is also available for locals to book for events such as weddings.
  3. Arzhang: is another hall dedicated to conferences decorated in stunning stonework. There are various stones used here all sourced from Tajikistan, Granite and fine marbles highlighted by semi-precious gems. 
  4. Gulistan Hall: when you thought this place couldn't get any more intricate, you stumble across this room. With 94 different types of wood, it's a carpenters dream a real wooden masterpiece! Red walnut doors, mahogany floors and maple lined walls with delicate twisted finials; The craftsmanship here looks as though it's fallen from a castle palace in the game of thrones. 

If this weren't all enough, there are small side rooms for drinks and breaks when meetings become too tough going, these range from mirrored marvels to kitsch wanders. 

Interesting Facts

CICA Summit

On June 15, 2019, 27 world leaders attended the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA). This year it was held in Dushanbe at you guessed it Kokhi Navruz Palace. Even President Putin was in attendance as the group discussed security and the wellbeing of the Asian region. The meeting appeared to go well although it is unclear if the leaders used the other facilities within Kokhi Navruz Palace; it would have been great to see Putin, Xi Jinping and  Hassan Rohani battling it out on go-karts. 

Wheres the tea?

For those who opt for a guide around the conference rooms, you will not be disappointed. The rooms themselves as you may have noticed are worth the time, and the local provided is excellent. Light-hearted and full of all the facts and figures she is brilliant. Although if you want a light-hearted telling off do ask her when is the cup of tea coming?

Opening times and location

Address: Ismoil Somoni Ave, Dushanbe, Tajikistan

 Monday 8:30 AM–5 PM

Tuesday 8:30 AM–5 PM

Wednesday 8:30 AM–5 PM

Thursday 8:30 AM–5 PM

Friday 8:30 AM–5 PM

Saturday Closed

Sunday Closed

Koryo Tours
Tajikistan Tours


Rich Beal

Rich Beal is our International Tours Manager.

Rich is one of our most experienced tour leaders. He has led tours worldwide since 2004, specialising in Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and the surrounding area. Currently living in Mongolia, he leads multiple specialised trips annually and has over 20 years of experience running and designing tours of the region. 

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